The object of the Succession Amendment Bill (SAB) 2018 is to amend the Succession Act, Cap. 162 to bring it into conformity with the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and internationally accepted human rights standards and provide for gender equality in accordance with articles 21 and 33 of the constitutional court, to streamline the definition of child to conform to article of the constitution, to refine the definition of customary heir or heiress to eliminate discrimination; to clearly provide for the protection of principal residential property for the benefit of the surviving spouse and lineal dependents to revise the percentages of distribution of the estate of an insensate to provide for the powers and duties of guardians; to repeal repugnant terms such as “lunatics” and “insane”; to provide for the lapse of probate or letters of administration , to enhance certain offences and penalties and to provide for related matters.
The Succession Amendment Bill was presented on the floor for the first reading in 2018 and referred to the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee for scrutiny and a report on the bill will be presented soon.